What will happen on the first home visit? A initial evaluation consists of an extensive review of symptoms and prior medical history. We will discuss any questions and concerns that you may have. The exam portion of the evaluation will consist of different movements and special tests. If we are addressing the pelvic floor an internal assessment of the pelvic floor may be beneficial. You will be required to give verbal and written consent before this takes place. You have the option to have another person in the room with you during this time, as well as, the right to refuse any portion of the evaluation and/or treatment at any time.
Do I need a referral from my doctor in order to have treatment? Yes. Although this may not be a requirement through your insurance, per company policy we must get a referral for Physical Therapy before we can begin.
How soon after the delivery of my baby can I begin Physical Therapy? Speak with your doctor as it is up to both of you. Oftentimes they will write a referral for Routine Postpartum Care after approximately 6 weeks. However, I have had referrals before and after this time frame.
Do I need to re-schedule my appointment of I am menstruating? Feel free to keep your appointment. If internal work is needed then we will take precautionary measures.