About Us
Pregnancy and new motherhood is full of exciting experiences and joyful times, but the effects of pregnancy on a woman's body can be traumatic and is often ignored. As a physical therapist, I have seen many women who have suffered long term physical trauma as a result of untreated pelvic floor damage suffered during pregnancy. Our practice is centered around expectant women and postpartum mothers and using proven physical therapy techniques to treat and heal in a comfortable environment.

What is a Pelvic Floor Injury?
Postpartum pelvic floor injuries are a very common problem that is not discussed as much as it should be, either during pregnancy or following delivery. It is estimated that thirty five percent of women can experience pelvic floor damage which is the result of weakening of the pelvic floor muscles during pregnancy and strain that can occur during delivery. Because the pelvic floor supports the bladder, bowels and uterus, the muscles, ligaments and tissues of the pelvis are extremely important to good physical health. Damage to the pelvis during pregnancy and as a result of either vaginal or cesarean delivery can lead to urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, a variety of prolapses and sexual pain and dysfunction. In addition, if these impairments are left untreated they can develop into more serious problems later in life. Though these problems can be very serious to a woman's health, the symptoms are oftentimes attributed as a normal result of having a baby and ignored by women and their healthcare providers.
At Mother & More PT, we realize that while the events of childbirth can be traumatic, the effects do not need to be permanent. We have developed a system to treat the early stages of pelvic floor weakening and a variety of pelvic girdle dysfunctions that are common upon pregnancy to help ensure an easier delivery and decrease the risk of pelvic floor damage. In addition, as trained and licensed physical therapists, we treat pelvic floor injuries or pain that is the result of birthing, so that our patients can resume normal function with no long lasting effects. Pelvic floor injuries can cause pain and sap your energy, and as a new mother, caring for an infant requires all the energy you can manage. Let Mother & More PT help you take away the pain.

Why Treatment during Pregnancy?
Pregnancy can be a beautiful experience, but undoubtedly it is a time when changes to a woman's body happen rapidly, and while these changes are lovely and exciting they can also be painful. Many women believe that the pelvic girdle pain, specifically pubic bone pain, tail bone pain, and low back pain in the late stages of gestation is inevitable and unavoidable. While these types of pains can be part of common birth-related changes, there are exercisesand manual techniques that our physical therapists can implement which can relieve much of your discomfort. In addition to immediate relief often provided by treatment, physical therapy during pregnancy can strengthen the pelvic floor and contribute to an easier delivery as well as better pelvic health after childbirth.
Postpartum Care
As a physical therapist practicing within the Seattle community, I was regularly treating women who, for years, were unaware that pelvic floor physical therapy exists. Many patients would complain of symptoms such as severe diastasis recti, urinary incontinence, and painful sex after childbirth. I quickly realized that pelvic floor care before, during, and after pregnancy was something that many women were not being made aware of, and as a result their bodies were suffering. Therefore, Mother & More Physical Therapy focuses our practice on educating and treating women about the benefits of physical therapy to treat postpartum birth-related changes. Life after childbirth does not need to include pain and dysfunction. Through a physical therapy regiment designed for each mother's specific needs and symptoms consisting of pelvic floor exercises, problems such as diastasis recti, urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, pain during sexual intercourse, and general physical discomfort can be reduced or even eliminated. Also, treatment soon after delivery, whether by cesarean or vaginal, can dramatically reduce the chances of long term pelvic injury.